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THE'HNI is an accompaniment to continence for babies from birth to 18 months.

See texts of'information on the HNI here.

See less workshops on the HNI here.
Individual consultation or video or presential training hosted by Christina creative'Ecopitchoun french specialist of the HNI animator since 2004 and mother of 4 children.

You will find on this page below the clothes and accessories that will help you practice' Elimination Communication with serenity, respecting baby's physiology and motor freedom.

1/ LES Potties :

- *the potties HNI :
suitable for infants and babies up to 18 months. Think about it well potty with baby positioned addicted to it.

- *tissue for potty HNI :
To prevent baby screaming in contact with cold plastic potty, this cover of potty relaxed baby guard.

- the potties anatomical :
from about 8 months when baby is 70cm high.

- tissue for potties anatomical and other potties for baby:
To prevent baby screaming in contact with cold plastic potty, this cover of potty relaxed baby guard.

- *the potties portable accordion : for babies (as for adults), unisex, only for urine. It is very useful for the HNI at night but also during outputs, discreet and adaptable to situations and positions with the flexible part.

- the potties 2 in 1 and their bags:
small potty and toilet reducer. Think of the bag as washable receptacle for this potty.

- *thes potties enamelled and their protective fabric in merino wool: for baby, potty very resistant that will last several generations.

- The potties urinals :
a baby who refuses potty can enjoy this new funny place.

- The brushes for potty HNI and urinals.

- The ones target targets thermochrome for toilets.


- Ecopants : waterproof washable layer, very practical also for the NHI because it remains attached to the body when you propose the potty. Very fine for the same absorption capacity as a layer. Economic: only a few layers, and inserts according to your daily life.

- *Baby blankets : not impermeable, the bestseller being either the baby blankets sabliers with adjustable elastic belt or large baby blankets very thin to fold with a Snappi, or the HNI Squares that are baby blankets with integrated adjustable belt.

- *Adjustable belt to attach to the size of different systems offered, including Protect'Hop, Mini-HNI, baby blankets sabliers or rectangles, etc.

- Training pads that turn into classic panties when baby is continent, so that they serve longer. In wool, organic cotton, recycled knit, etc.

- Training shorts turning into classic shorts when baby is continent. Wide elastic band at the waist to keep baby belly warm.

- Mini-HNI: Mini-HNI system, version pocket, bio, or bamboo.

- Protect'hop : HNI system in wool and organic cotton.

- *Genesis : mattress protection, floor protection. The complete wool set is an alternative to lamb skin.

- *Lamb skin : no need to wash, just let dry, shake, brush, and it's ready to use again.

- Protec'sol : on the floor, in the bed, in the stroller or the car seat, and to put under a baby when you wear it on our knees as necessary.

- Genapants : polar pants with a crooked band to fix a protection.

- *Fabrics at the meter: aisles that you can cut to your dimensions, or fabrics for DIY.


- *Longlegs : jambia 34 cm Ecopitchoun organic merino, organic cotton, recycled knit, etc. Replace the tights and keep the baby legs warm.

- *Les t-shirts and sweatshirts HNI and washable layers replace the bodys and keep baby belly warm. You will no longer have to remove the pressure at the time of change or when you propose it potty baby. In organic merino, organic cotton, recycled mesh.

- The trousers open to the crotch to offer faster potty to baby: scalable pants Ecopitchoun (2 sizes from birth to 3 years) with baby belly warm, merino wool bio, organic cotton or recycled knit. Also in another version polar, in linen, cotton, recycled wool, etc.

- *The convertible babygown : hot baby at night without anything underneath. The fabric exceeds feet so they are warm as well. To propose potty or change the baby's diaper, just go up the garment. No pressures, clothes to be removed and put back that could wake him up. Convertible because a pressure system separates the legs to be able to attach baby in the car seat or pushchair without waking it.

- *The babygown : thinner than the gigotous model, in fine organic cotton or in thicker recycled knit, it is rather like a dress or a tunic. Baby sleeps the feet warm because the garment exceeds. To propose potty or change the baby's diaper, just go up the garment. No pressures, clothes to be removed and put back that could wake him up. When the baby is awake, the babygown turns into a dress or tunic by going back to the elastic.

- The ones panties organic cotton for babies from birth. Existing also organic or upcycled wool.

- Soft socks: in cotton or leather, they're in a machine.

- The ones Jambiocho : socks that are high, thus serving as short jambia.

- The ones kneeling : allow to extend the jambiocho, to hold jambières that fall, to relieve the baby's knees that walk on four legs, to protect the elbows also if necessary.


* Articles with an asterisk at the beginning of the line have my preference for the night.
See the article : how to do the NHB at night?


- Washable wipes suitable for baby's hand size, very convenient when it starts to go alone on the potty : no need to count the number of sheets of toilet paper, no roll that unwittingly unfolds, no random folding. You can humidiate towels and place them next to potty anatomical and a bucket for the towels used. Your baby will be clean and more autonomous.

- Snappy : closure for baby blankets in fine cotton.

- Protection sheets to recover the bulk of the stools in the washable layers.

- Wet laundry bag : useful in output to store the clothes that will wash when you return.

- Pregnancy jewellery: bola offers baby comfort, and reconnects it to its intrauterine sensations.

- Maintenance products environmental


The essential not to mislead in his practice: books.