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Baby amber and pregnancy jewellery

Ecopitchoun offers you a selection of authentic amber necklaces, specially designed for babies. Handcrafted with Lithuanian amber, genuine amber from the Baltic, our necklaces are carefully cut and polished to offer exceptional quality.

Thanks to these amber necklaces, you can relieve the discomfort of your child's dental thrusts. We guarantee the authenticity, origin and purity of amber used. For millennia amber has been used to relieve dental pain and is also known to prevent skin irritation in infants.

To allow all families to enjoy the benefits of amber, we selected high quality natural necklaces at affordable prices. Give your baby lasting comfort by following your budget.

The bolas are jewels of pregnancy originating in the Mexico. Weared in a necklace, they hold on to the bounce against mommy's belly, which makes the link between what baby hears in-utero and the same sound that he can hear when he gets out of mommy's belly. Also called the sound of fairies, these discreet tints are very light and pleasant to listen to. Inside, a little ball bounced on a mini-xylophone.
The jewel can then be worn the time of the'breastfeeding, babies enjoy tying it.
Later, it can be passed on to the child.

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