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Osteopathy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, after delivery or for your pitchoun, it seems very interesting to consult an osteopath.

An osteopath exerts pressure on our body at strategic points to restore any internal dysfunction. He makes our body work using precise gestures. That’s why out of a mom session as babies are exhausted!

Pregnant women are often subjected to severe trials such as nausea, backache, water retention, etc.
With regard to water retention, learn about copper (bracelet, sole, etc.) and drink your daily amount of water before 14H. After 2pm, drink with small barleys and small quantities.

Osteoarthritis proves to be very useful for an epic pregnancy. In addition, it may intervene in certain cases of at-risk pregnancy. For example, it can reposition a baby that weighs on the collar. Under the pressure of the baby, the collar is dilate and there is a risk of premature birth. Repositioning the baby greatly reduces contractions and therefore expansion.

In some hospitals, particularly in Paris, osteopaths are required to interact with medical personnel. And even though osteopaths are usually poorly perceived by hospital staff, doctors see daily the benefits of osteopathy and sometimes appeal to them to relieve a newborn.
At a time when the principle of respected births extends and attracts more and more parents, osteopathy takes all its value.

Throughout pregnancy as well as during your childbirth, you and baby will suffer a lot of pressures that will cause your bodies to get hurt.


For a newborn, a consultation with a osteopath is always very helpful. This manipulation can take place from birth, it is not necessary, and even damage, to wait several months before consulting. For an infant subject to colics, vomiting, hoquet, troubled sleep, a baby who tries when he dies, who still sleeps the head on the same side, has a lot of gas, ladle, etc... is relieved from the first session and sees his problem solved in 2-3 sessions on average.

When giving birth, the body of your pitchoun needs time to prepare to pass from intrauterine life to extra-uterine life. His organs must position themselves and his body prepares to enter this new world. These digestive organs must also find their position and it requires time. However, osteopaths have been able to notice in recent years that the peredural could hinder the new born in his work. As a result, too fast births (lower than 2 hours) such as long births (which fatigue the baby) have a special impact on the life of infants. It follows digestion problems, the baby is torturing to help his body find the right path to digest milk. This is how he will prefer to position himself on the right or on the left, to stay as if to sleep. The torticolis may be a cause of bad positioning to teter it, and thus lead to possible crevasses. Then your pitchoun will present a side of its flatter skull and hair, if any, will be less on the part of the skull than your pitchoun prefers to sleep

A baby crying all the time signals a gene, perhaps digestive. A baby will have a restless sleep because it will not be able to find a right positioning to promote good digestion. Will follow vomiting, hoquets, and colic.
Osteopath intervenes to help the infant position themselves to properly digest. By handling it smoothly, it will find with the baby a suitable position.

In general, to respect the morphology of your pitchoun:

  1. think of the scarf bearing and not in the traditional baby carriers that favor a straight position. The baby sits on his parts while with the scarf the baby keeps his fetal position, which respects baby’s morphology.
  2. position the mobile at the level of his belly or feet so as not to ask him to shut up again
  3. To wear and support a maximum by positioning a hand under his buttocks and another under his brains because if he has a head well attached to the rest of the body, he does not appreciate the shaking. Imagine yourself in his place, our head holds strong but does not like to suffer the bunny!
  4. Prefer scarf and washable layers, also to prevent hip dysplasia
  5. The handcuff is to be banished because it does not promote the "4-leg" position that still greatly helps babies position their bodies and organs. The clipper cambres too much babies and it plays a lot on his column, in addition to spending hours there.

-Respecting the growth of her baby, not stressing it and stimulating it too early to pass "4 legs" to the station standing.

From a dental point of view? Osteopaths are also known to address dental malformation problems. By manipulating the head, they manage to restore the order initially planned. This usually avoids the wearing of dental equipment.
The baby finds his thumb alone. When we sleep, we rub our eyes, especially on each side of the nose at the eye level. We immediately feel a great relief. Wiring is also a natural gesture. These gestures help our body to bear a discomfort and these massage points are instinctive. The baby finds his thumb on his own, instinctively, because he massages the top of the palate and this relieves digestion and dent. If we let him do it, the baby is soothed and it’s not as long as he sucks his thumb. In general he will stop his problem once solved in the same way that we do not swim continuously. Consulting an osteopath helps the baby quickly find a solution to his or her problems.

For the mother, as a result of childbirth, the organs find themselves chamboulated and the osteopath helps the body regain its shape. It can also offer you perineal rehabilitation without electric shock. Osteopathy is natural and positively accompanies the body in its restructuring.

It should be noted that a consultation with osteopath can be essential for a quick return to calm and well-being.
Breastfeeding is very pleasant when the baby is relaxed, correctly positioned, and digest without complication. On the mom's side, a baby that properly assimilates the summers will sleep deeper and less nervous, leaving her mom time to rest. Breastfeeding becomes calm and serene. The rise of milk is made much easier because the mother is not stressed and the baby is vigorously stubborn. We have often noticed that the babies who "se tended" when their parents tried to wear them in scarf, relaxed and their backs were sprinkled and relaxed following osteopathy sessions.

A consultation with an osteopath is not reimbursed by Social Security and costs about 50 euros, but avoids a lot of costs in addition: consultations with a paediatrician for problems of colic, vomiting, hoquets, restless sleep, etc... medications, .

The benefits of osteopathy are long after.
It is strongly advised to consult at least once a year to get back in shape.

After a baby session, just like Mom, will be exhausted and you will have to let him sleep without waking him, even if he sleeps long. This sleep is restorative and necessary to allow the body to properly assimilate the work performed. Think about making baby teter well before the appointment to give him the necessary reservations!

Homeopathic treatment can be taken before and after consultation, ask your osteopath for advice.


18 november 2006